Healthy Lifestyles Service

Living in Gloucestershire and need some support on your healthy lifestyle journey? Look no further than Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire. Our free, specialist 12-week coaching programmes are tailored to your individual needs, goals, and existing lifestyle so that you can become the best, healthiest version of yourself.
Our specialist health coaches are trained to support you in…

  • Stopping smoking
  • Getting more active
  • Drinking less alcohol
  • Managing your weight
  • Staying healthy during pregnancy 

We personally work with you to create new habits and do so by taking a step-by-step approach so that these are sustainable in the long run, not just for a short while. The sessions either take place over the phone, virtually, or face to face, depending on what is best suited to your lifestyle. 

"I want to say a huge thank you to the service, it has been an incredibly important part of my life for the first few months of this year. I feel fitter, and the accountability of the calls has been fantastic as it has given me lots of small goals to work towards. Every call has had a takeaway from it." - Michael, Cotswold's

If you’d like to start your journey to becoming your best self, contact the team on 0800 122 3788 or email

Facebook: Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire
Instagram: @HealthyLifestylesGlos
Twitter: @HLSGlos
For even further support, we also offer the ‘Best-You’ platform which is your one-stop place for creating healthy lifestyle goals, tracking your progress, regular free tips, and so much more: