Health & Hustle Case Studies
Not everyone needs a medal to realise their personal achievements and we measure the achievements using the following criteria "Success is Measured in Smiles"
Have a look at the personal submissions from some of our members and see the difference they have made in their lifestyle changes.........
"Inspiring, achievable and breathtaking journey's"
Zero to Hero’s Couch to 30, 5km and 10km………
To see more videos and what members said click here
Kayleigh Moore Operations Manager & Digital Transformation Lead, Cheltenham Central Network - After every run of my Couch to 5K course in 2023, I would call my mum whilst driving home to tell her I'd been running. After three weeks of calls, she said: 'Are you really still doing that?'. She was genuinely surprised I was sticking with it, because I'm just not an athletic or sporty person. I walk my dogs, potter in the garden and scuba dive, but I don't do exercise or fitness read more..........
Rachel Smallbone Gloucestershire Health Community NHS Trust - So let’s start with a little bit about me. My name is Rachel and I am a Mental Health Occupational Therapist working for a new team recently started to support people on discharge from hospital. I’ve been working as an OT for ten years now and it’s a job I absolutely love and feel so passionate about, a big part of my job involves motivating and encouraging people to achieve their goals and helping them to re-gain self belief and confidence in themselves, the people I work with often face challenges on a daily basis so graded exposure is an approach we use regularly to increase resilience and enhance their recovery read more..........
Susan Doran Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group - Running.... well! that's something I used to do years ago, when I was a lot younger and a lot fitter. However, when I met Kevin from the Health & Hustle some years ago, whilst gathering evidence for the staff wellbeing activity Workplace Wellbeing Award, his story made such an impression on me that I started to think, well maybe I could run again. And so, for the next five years our paths would periodically cross, and I would periodically think about it read more..........
Angela Willan Gloucestershire Health Community NHS Trust - “I joined the Health and Hustle in January this year as part of my
New Year resolution to get fit and complete the Couch to 5k (C25K). I’d seen
posts on social media about H8H and heard about the C25K through Indi-to-go. So, I spoke to Kev,
registered with H8H and joined the C25K - ‘New year, new challenge!’ read more..........
Diana Spitzley Hope for Tomorrow - I find it hard to believe that I would ever write a piece about running that involves me. The game changer was the Hope for Tomorrow’s 1000-mile challenge that popped up in my inbox during the Covid Lockdown this Spring read more..........
Lisa Richardson
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Three years ago I
sent an email that, at the time, I didn’t realise would change my life. Fulled
by a couple of glasses of wine (my love of which hasn’t changed) I applied for
a charity place to run the 2017 London Marathon for Sue Ryder and couldn’t
believe it when I was honoured with a place read more..........
Health &
Wellbeing Recovery and Life Changing Experiences..........
Caroline Halford Gloucestershire Health Community NHS Trust - Caroline Halford is the Head of School Aged Immunisation Service and is a member of the Health&Hustle since 2018. Caroline has put together and would like to share her phenomenal journey through contracting covid, right through to her rehabilitation to recover and get active. At the time of writing the article Caroline was one of the 443 who has been discharged from Gloucestershire Royal Hospital following a 6-day length of stay read more..........
Steve Shelley-King Gloucestershire Health Community NHS Trust - "I don't really enjoy running, but I decided I wanted to start walking more to improve my mental and physical health and wellbeing. I bought a Fitbit to monitor my steps and track my activity and set myself a goal of 10,000 steps a day read more..........
Pierre Weinweig Patient and
Retired NHS Worker - Since 1992 I have been determined to keep fit. I cycled to
work every day (around 10 miles) then in the evening I’d watch movies while on
a running machine. It was a great way to keep fit and unwind after a hard day
at work. I gained and so did the family. During that time, I also shifted about
4 stone of excess weight. I felt great read more..........
Becky Fortnam Wye Valley NHS
Trust - A long time ago in a galaxy far away, I sent off an email to members of
GCS with health and fitness suggestions to benefit those in the community.
Following this, I was put in touch with a brilliant health and fitness team,
who also had the same vision as I: to make exercise more accessible in the
workplace and to get everyone moving. After agreeing and buying a Fitbit, it
was time to practice what I, so often, preach. Since starting that hashtag,
wearing my Fitbit and moving more, I can most certainly say that my life has
improved for the better read more..........
Kath Hodges Gloucestershire Health
Community NHS Trust - I heard about the H8H group through a friend at work and I
have joined their running groups when time allows. I took part as
part of the team in the CCG marathon relay, where I ran my fastest mile in 6.5
minutes. Alongside this I have been part of team H8H at the
Cheltenham Challenge and in my first year I was the lady’s runner up in the 5KM
race. Health & Hustle are a friendly group of people welcoming
you into any event and being supportive and fun at the same time read more..........
Karen Walker Gloucestershire Health Community NHS Trust - I spent 8 weeks in hospital, on a cocktail of medication including chemotherapy whilst constantly on oxygen. My body was annoyingly broken. I had always been reasonably fit and healthy, and I knew that once my treatment had finished, I was going to return the person I was. Or was I? When my strength came back, I took up Yoga, something I had previously sniffed at but Yoga practice was to be my savior read more..........
Sarah Watkins Gloucestershire Health Community NHS Trust - Woking in the Community IV Therapy Team is very varied. We visit patients both at home and in clinic settings. We also spend a day Co-ordinating and triaging any referrals that come in. We provide support and advice to healthcare professionals and patients. As a team we are responsible for training GCS staff in intravenous therapy read more..........