Running.... well! that's something I used to do years ago, when I was a lot younger and a lot fitter. However, when I met Kevin from Health & Hustle some years ago, whilst gathering evidence for the staff wellbeing activity Workplace Wellbeing Award, his story made such an impression on me that I started to think, well maybe I could run again. And so, for the next five years our paths would periodically cross, and I would periodically think about it.
Like many others I was just busy, busy, busy and it never seemed quite the right time. Meanwhile I was just getting older and less fit so I'm not entirely sure why I decided back in November to bite the bullet and join the new couch to 30 minutes programme, that was about to start. Maybe it was because we've gone through too many lock downs and social restrictions, my waistline was ever expanding, and I realised I was rarely getting my heart rate up to a beneficial rate that got me healthily out of breath.
My background was as an aerobics teacher and fitness assessor, so I know how important good cardiovascular fitness is. In a previous life, I was the Rosemary Conley of NHS Grampian, running a programme called Slim and Trim in the Northeast of Scotland and aerobics classes. I was also involved in expanding a programme called Jog Scotland across my region, which operated on the same principles as couch to 5km, so I know what Kevin is doing is safe, progressive, and good for me. But I still felt really scared, I honestly didn't think I could run for 3 minutes, never mind 30 minutes.
I could not have anticipated the friendly, kind, supportive volunteers that joined with me and spurred me and all the other participants on, every week, but apparently every group is like this...... So here I am having just finished the 9 week programme and wish I hadn't spent the last 5 years procrastinating.
Why am I telling you about this? It's because I want as many people as possible to feel the sense of achievement that I feel. I want others to feel that sense of strength and wellness. I want others to be surprised at themselves because it makes you think, what else can I do that I didn't know I was capable of, and to be part of something special. I hear the words 10km, half marathon being bantered around and can see myself progressing up to a 10km group, which is what I used to run over 10 years ago, but I know there is no pressure to progress. I have gained new friends, more confidence and improved my fitness along the journey, what could be better?
My advice to anyone thinking of taking this up, don't wait as long as I did and do what NIKE says "JUST DO IT"