Friday, February 8, 2019

10,000 Steps

How do I get to 10,000 steps a day?

If you are new to the hustle start small to grow big with your steps.  Set yourself up to achieve 5,000 steps a day and when you hit this comfortably, raise your steps by another 1,000 until you reach the 10,000 target.

How can I Fit this into my working day?

Look for opportunities throughout the day to try and move every hour.  Before sending that email ask yourself, is it possible to have a face to face instead of sending a mail in the same building.  Not only will you get some steps in, you will also be engaging in conversation with colleagues.  It’s not always possible to do this but the small changes make a difference.

Thinking about parking?

If you want a few more steps, try parking as far away from entrances, I find when you go to a supermarkets everyone tries to park near the entrance.  Parking in a space furthest away will get a few more steps in, but in some cases you find your car is safer from bumps and scratches because your the general public are quite lazy.  For those who park at Invista at Brockworth, why catch the bus when you can walk in and get a minimum of 2,000 steps walking direct to Sanger or EJC, if you walk in and back I guarantee you will be nearly half way to achieving your 10,000 steps.

Let’s give this ago and get active!