Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hustle News Watch

It’s been another busy week with the hustle and with the transition of community trusts this week, we said another farewell to members of the hustle.  The good news is that even though they move on they can still be part of the venture with our NHS Friends and Veterans team.
This week we have started planning for 2020 events and one of the new ventures will be the Park Run Passport Challenge.  Event organiser Andrew Hughes from the CCG with Neil Penny will be co-ordinating the event under the Health&Hustle banner.

We have a number of members taking part in events this weekend, Linda Edwards is taking part in the Berlin Marathon and Lisa Richardson, Julie Birt, Jane Cantwell and Johanna Bogle are running in the Cheltenham Half Marathon raising funds towards Sue Ryder Hospice.  Good luck to them all and anyone else taking part in weekend challenges.
Keep watching out for the release of the Health&Hustle film next week.  The team from Fitbit Health Solutions are at the HETT2019 conference and will be showcasing material based on the work in Gloucestershire.

The challenges are going great with the individual workweek hustle, the team workweek hustle and the Autumn challenge.  When we pull the data down weekly on activity, it is amazing to see how active everyone is in the hustle.  We may have winners but the real champions are everyone who is trying to make changes to their personal health and well being.  In particular the team members from the Macmillan’s team who are survivors or still going through treatment.  I am pleased to announce that we are working with Hope for Tomorrow to provide active space for patients and staff to join the hustle, this could be where the hustle will expand outside of the Gloucestershire boarder, watch this space.

Do you have an active story to share? Get in touch and share your news no matter how small the achievements are.  

Keep inspired and stay active!