Saturday, October 12, 2019

What’s been happening in the Hustle News this week?

Health&Hustle News
We had another weekend of NHS staff taking part in events across the UK last weekend.  Congratulations to Laurana Millner on completing the Cardiff Half Marathon and taking 6 minutes off her Forest of Dean half time.  She said it was tough on the hips and will not be doing a road half again.  It was a hot half marathon but with a great atmosphere, the event was well organised.  

It was another Sunday down on the South Coast, another half marathon for Jane Cantwell who also in Bournemouth, it was a hot sunny half marathon but a lovely day.  Johanna Bogle after months of training was also in Bournemouth completing the full marathon.  Johanna said the Hills were never-ending, heat, sand, wind and switchbacks were mentally tough, but she never gave up completing in 4:22, which is another great achievement.

Health&Hustle was invited to the Hope for Tomorrow conference to showcase what the hustle was about.  It was a real privilege to showcase some of the great achievements that members have made through being active and part of the hustle.  It is also humbling to see organisation recognising how important it is to value health and wellbeing initiatives.  Keep watching out when H4T make an appearance in the challenges.

In this weeks individual workweek hustle challenge H8H took the title for the third time in a row with 140k of steps.  The week has still been busy with the running group even though we not had a consistent showing due to work commitments, but we will son be back on track, so remember to join us on either a Tuesday or Thursday night or join our WhatsApp group.

Please keep up the great week and share any active news with us from your success no matter how small.......