Sunday, November 10, 2019

H8H News Roundup

To launch the 2020 passport challenge we have set up a new email address for you to apply for your Parkrun passport.  Details will be released soon and you have the chance to win prizes during this challenge, so stay tuned.

Do you know runners were at 27% lower risk of death than non-runners? Large benefits have been found for running even just once a week or 50 min a week read this article for more information
This weeks champion of the individual workweek hustle is Tracey W from Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust.  Tracey won the overall challenges with 175k steps over the five day challenge which is an amazing achievement.  Well done Tracey on another win.

Future & Ongoing Events

Couch to 5km (Running Group) - Meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm EJC Brockworth.

Rikenel Running Group - Meet at Rikenel (contact Chantel Leighton for details)

Individual Workweek Hustle Challenge - by H8H invitation

Team Workweek Hustle Challenge - Weekly Invitations

Autumn Challenge - Finishes 16 Nov 2019

Christmas Fun Run - coming soon- December 2019

Parkruns - 2020 Parkrun Passport Challenge starts Jan 2020

Cheltenham Challenge - Do you want a new challenge? Why not sign up to team H8H2020 and join us at the 2020 Cheltenham Challenge - Jun 2020.  You can walk, jog or run, it does not matter, be part of the experience and register