Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health&Hustle News Round Up

Health&Hustle News

It’s time to start thinking about winter activity.  We are experiencing activity after work in the dark so it’s about being sensible and ensuring some basic advice will keep you safe.  Here are some top tips:

Make sure you tell someone you are going out and the route you are taking
Be seen! Bright clothing, lights, reflective bands
Take a mobile phone to call for help if needed
If possible exercise in a group
Dress for Autumn and Winter and the interchangeable weather

Finally enjoy your activity being safe and seen!

The individual workweek hustle challenge top honours went to Tracey W From Gloucester Hospital Trust with 114k of steps.  Rematches have been sent out as we cannot set up challenges due to further software bugs that Fitbit are working on.  Full results can be be found here

Future & Ongoing Events

Individual workweek hustle challenge - by invitation

Team Workweek Hustle Challenge - Weekly Invitations

Autumn Challenge - Finishes 16 Nov 2019

Christmas Fun run coming soon- December 2019

2020 Parkrun Passport Challenge - starts Jan 2020

Do you want a new challenge? Why not sign up to team H8H2020 and join us at the 2020 Cheltenham Challenge - Jun 2020.  You can walk, jog or run, it does not matter, be part of the experience and register