I thought I would keep everyone updated about the Health&Hustle during the extraordinary events we are going through. The good news is I made it back from Lanzarote last Monday and returned to work on Thursday self isolating at home. It’s been a whirlwind with work and my steps are not like they usually are, which is expected when you have to change your routine in-line with the circumstances. However I have launched myself into a routine following the advice and guidance published to ensure I can maintain my health and well-being and continue to support my colleagues from home.
Working from home for me is a big change as I am used to being around people, so the use of Skype meetings mean I can still have some social contact at work. With family I stay connected with my parents due to my mother undergoing post cancer treatment using FaceTime. That is an experience in its own rights, trust me, but they are getting the hang of it. Here are a few tips to help you if you are isolated at home:
It is really important that we consider our own self-care in order that we can continue to deliver patient care to Gloucestershire and this is the most important time to put our physical, mental health and wellbeing first. There is no need to do a marathon but exercising is important.
Eating well is going to be a challenge for me but I am trying to survive with two meals a day with a light snack whilst working along with fruit. Sleeping will help and it is important with managing anxiety levels so I am aiming to get between 6-7 hours sleep, don’t forget you can monitor this on your Fitbit.
This is also a chance to do the things you don’t get chance to do so manage your time and take breaks where appropriate during your working day. Take time to use your garden and get the fresh air in the lungs, maybe a few sprints up the garden path to improve your step count. These times will be testing and being active will help towards managing stress levels, take those moments for you and breathe, again Fitbit have relax programmes to help you with your breathing. Don’t let the pressure turn into stress, remember those important hashtags #BeKind
Going forward I have decided that I will continue to push challenges out to allow us to keep the hustle alive and kicking, but also another opportunity to use the chat boards within your team challenges to encourage each other. It is up to you, if you do not want to take part and come back when this is all over, that will be great.
Using the virtual challenges will be a good means if you are unlucky to catch the virus to track your recovery. We have been using the hustle with our cancer patient groups, not just to keep active but also to measure improvement during rehabilitation following illness.
There are lots of resources floating around and we have already published a Thai Chi live sessions on YouTube
Follow the links and you will find previous sessions to follow.
A final message from the Director of Quality and Chief Nurse, Steve Hams at Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust is stay hydrated, be kind and look out for each other
Stay safe and stay active