Saturday, November 21, 2020

Another Busy Hustle Week “Read all about it”

In this weeks addition of the Health&Hustle news we have plenty to shout about.  I never thought I would be so busy through a lockdown, more routine, routine and routine.  Up early each morning to clear my mind ready for work and get 10km under the belt to kick start my day.  This week has been a mixture of sadness and being proud of the achievements flooding in through the various WhatsApp groups.  Even though we are in a period of lockdown it’s humbling to see some of the latest grads from the couch to 5km programme carrying on from where we finished.  Well done to Angela and Helen who are still out on a Tuesday and Thursday evening after work.  Unfortunately we have had to say farewell to Kerry Paine from the running group who is moving north of the boarder to pastures new, but the good news is she is still connected through the social media platforms.

On the 1000 mile challenge, members are showcasing some of the scenery on their walks, along with meeting some unexpected company along the way.  We are now five months into the challenge and everyone is doing really well.  We have had a few who have finished the challenge but like we said it’s not a race and you have a year to completed the challenge.  We are just finalising the challenge shirts and medal designs, which will go into production soon.  If you would like to donate to the challenge, visit our just giving page:

During the week I had the privilege to present on behalf of Fitbit Health Solutions transforming unhealthy workforce’s at the HPN expo.  Due to Covid restrictions this had to be presented on line.  I can safely say Gloucestershire is on the map and we have a lot of interest following the presentation.  I am also pleased to announce that NHS Business Service Authority are building their team and will be competing in our challenges alongside our new comers from Wye Valley NHS Trust.

What’s your activity plan for December? Some of us from the Health&Hustle are taking part in the December Daily Dash raising funds for Sue Ryder.  5km a day for 31 days, so if you fancy joining the team register here or if you would like to donate, please visit our just giving page 

Why not try one of the December Santa runs as part of our activity plans in December?

Hope for Tomorrow Santa in the City – Suit and Medal
This year hope for tomorrow are asking supporters to get into the festive running spirit by taking part in the Santa in the City “My Santa Run”.  All you need to do is run, jog or walk 5km anytime, anywhere in December (please follow Government COVID19 guidelines).  To support this event go to the details on this link:

Gloucester Santa Fun Run The community Cardiac Rehab team from Gloucester Health Community Trust are taking part in the Rotary Club Gloucester Santa Fun. The plan was to do the fun run on Saturday 5th December 2020 in the city but obviously due to COVID19 they cannot. This year in line with other running events they have decided to have a virtual fun run, for more information visit the following link: 85762601249

Invitational workweek hustle challenges 
The challenges are going well and numbers taking part are beyond expectations and the invitational hustle challenges are always full, remember that invites go out on a Saturday and additional invites follow on Sunday if there are any places left.  If you don’t get a place please message me and we will fit you in if we have any spaces.

CCC2021 Challenge Finally keep watching out for the Paediatrics Team from Gloucestershire Hospital Trust who will be launching there CCC2021 challenge next year under the direction of one of our change makers Matt Nelmes.

If you have any news or achievements you want to share, please send them in and we will publish your articles.  Stay Safe and Keep Active