Monday, February 22, 2021

Let's Think About Recovery

Let’s look ahead now we have a vaccine programme in place and think about how to recover from the situation we have been in for nearly a year. I’m sure everyone has suffered with some form of stress and in some cases post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Why now? You say! You cannot just recover overnight and need to think about a plan back to recovery. Acceptance is also a reality, what was normal before the pandemic may not be the same in the future.  Have you seen "I had a black dog, his name was depression" and how to manage feelings and anxiety.  I still have my black dog today and he is more friendly then the dark clouds that used to follow me around before i created the Health & Hustle.  You might not be able to cure depression but you can live with it under control and in some cases overtime recover. 

Why is recovery needed?  Recovery is about winding down to replenish the energy the body has expended. Without recovery you become tired, and many people today go to work every morning without the energy they need to feel well. If the load becomes too high and prolonged, without sufficient recovery, there is a risk of developing exhaustion. Therefore it is very important to listen to your body and slowdown in time.  

What is considered to be recovery?  After experiencing stress, the brain needs time to rest. Going home after work and continuing with the normal routine of life does not count as recovery. On the other hand, physical activity and socialising again will help relieve the stress. Watching TV, reading a book or lying on the sofa and “doing nothing” are also good ways to recover. Making time for yourself and taking a relaxing Bath will help wind down as part of your recovery. Sleep is the most important form of recovery. Sleep problems can make you more sensitive to stress, while at the same time stress is often the cause of sleep problems. Seven to eight hours a night are recommended and the Fitbit will help with recording your deep, medium or light sleep patterns. I find using the relaxing function on your Fitbit will help with deep breathing exercises and relax you to sleep. One of the most important factors during your working day is to take breaks. Look at protective time for survive and thrive to block out your diary and get out for some fresh air. With technology at work you can still work at the same time as taking a walk, but try to take a break during the day from emails or calls. The higher the workload, the more breaks are needed for you to hold up in the long term.  

Try using some of these tips to help with recovery:

Increase helpful activity  Low mood can stop us doing important or enjoyable activities. Try listing these things and doing some each day. Start with easier ones and, as you progress, your mood should improve.

Challenge unhelpful thoughts  The way we think affects the way we feel. Watch our video to learn how to challenge unhelpful thoughts - Reframing unhelpful thoughts video

Talk to someone  Trusted friends, family and colleagues, or contacting a helpline, can help us when we are struggling. Watch our video for more ideas - Social connection video

Get better sleep  Low moods can make us feel tired. Tiredness can also have a bad impact on our mood. Watch our video on tips to improve your sleep - Tips for sleeping better video

Be kind to yourself  Try to break big tasks down into manageable chunks, and do not try to do everything at once. Give yourself credit when you complete each bit.

Healthy living  Being active, cutting back on alcohol and making sure we have a healthy balanced diet can help boost your mood, and help our wellbeing.

Plan to recover Have you got a plan as the world will change and even though some have worked from home during the pandemic, it will be a shock when you have to start going into the office. So think about your commute, offsite parking, and dressing for work, your lunch, meeting colleagues subject to social distance rules and so on. Now is the time to start to plan so you don’t end up with more stress when the world changes.

Lets plan our recovery!