Friday, March 12, 2021


From the 29th March the government guidelines are set to change as part of the Covid recovery roadmap for business, activities and outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts, and open-air swimming pools, will also be allowed to reopen, and people will be able to take part in formally organised outdoor sports.

Inline with the changes the Health&Hustle is embarking on a new venture by supporting members, hosting a safe environment for people to talk freely about their mental health on our weekly runs.

The Health&Hustle Run Talk Run group is an activity that will focus on supporting mental health as we start to recover from lockdown.  So what is it all about? It is a running group that meets twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday’s.  It’s free to take part and is a safe and confidential space to talk, run and have fun.  We will listen to each other and respect the confidentiality of anything discussed within the group.  As part of our group activities we will run the couch to 5km programme or take a gentle jog that is open to ALL abilities.


What we are not… we are not a competitive or a therapy group.  The group is not a place where you have to be fast, so what you put in is what you get out of being part of the group.

We will listen if you want to talk and we believe in forming friendships and a running community spirit.  We do not care about the pace and will buddy up with each other up to ensure members get the expected benefits of the sessions.

To achieve the right balance of the group we will run as slow as the slowest runner.  It is not the responsibility of people at the back to keep up with the people at the front.  No one gets left behind and the run leader is always the last one back.

Do you want to get active? Join us on Tuesday 30th March at 5pm, meeting at Sanger House in Brockworth to start week1, run1 of the couch to 5km programme.  Everyone, no matter what ability is welcome.  Let’s run talk run!