Saturday, March 27, 2021

Six Stages of Running

In this weeks blog I thought I would focus on a theory that I go through when I run.  During my time in the forces I used to run most days and it was only when I left the Army in 2004 that I stopped running.   When I started running again in 2016 I went through the 6 stages of running, starting with the enthusiasm to thinking why am I doing this?

Let’s Do This ........ with the enthusiasm I remember setting off for my first run from Invista (off site parking) to Edward Jenner Court.  I think I got to 200m and thought I was going to die.  I couldn’t breath and was sucking air from Cornwall, walk a bit to kick start the lungs and then it was a case of let’s see how far I can go until I stopped breathing again.

Why am I doing this ....... As you run, you will start to think about things and it was time to take control and change my lifestyle habits.  Shopping for clothes and having to buy the biggest sizes was a wake up call and the only way I was going to sort this out was by getting active.  Yes I was fed up with being a telly tubby.

Am I dead ........ this was in my mind for the duration of the run, I just hope no one has seen me run into work.  This was a total shock to my body and my muscles were screaming at me to stop and maybe catch the fun bus.  To late I had committed to run and it was a case of finishing what I started.

I wish I was dead ........ this is what was going through my mind on my first run, but I had a choice, give in now or just get on with it and accept this is going to be a journey.

I’m dead ........ by the time I got to Edward Jenner Court, was it a run, was it a jog, I have no idea, all I know is I couldn’t breath, I was ready for a heart transplant and my legs were dead weights.  My plan was to run in and run back.  Had to rethink this strategy and this was not even a mile.

As time went on I would repeat this cycle and as I improved I managed to get to the sixth stage.

Can’t wait to do it again ......... When you reach this stage you have cracked it.  Running or jogging is not easy but keep hanging in there and don’t let it beat you.  A run is a run, no matter what the speed or distance is.  There will be times when you have to listen to your body and some times take a break and rest,

My journey has allowed me to share my experiences with lots of friends who have joined the couch to 5km programme with me.  Yes I can run half marathons and 10km distances now but I have had to work to get to this stage.  The best achievement for me is seeing colleagues and friends achieve their active goals and the best bit is, I get to do it with them.  The hardest part is getting to the start line but the best feeling is getting to the finish line.  Read Angela’s story it’s not about speed, it’s not about distance, it’s about being active!