Saturday, May 8, 2021

What’s it like with the Couch to 5km Crew?

Since returning to the couch to 5km programme since lockdown, the group have thrown themselves at the challenge to improve their physical and mental health.  The bond of the group is tremendous and everyone has benefitted by joining the group.  Why? 

Sometimes it is hard to complete the programme on your own, but the group provides a welcome to everyone who joins and embraces the comradeship that quickly forms.

Everyone claims they will be at the back of the group when they run but are surprised at how they perform, and being at the back with the run leader provides the confidence they need to get to the finishing line.  We always start with a warm up walk and the conversation is great as everyone opens up or just the generally chit chat.  As we start the first run of the schedule you can still hear the conversations, but as we settle into the run, the huffing and puffing soon starts as we start the segments of the scheduled run.  We hear about why everyone wants to complete the programme which can vary, but everyone is there to achieve their ambitions.

We have lots of the group return to repeat the programme and are a real support to the group as we progress.  We do find that some really miss the session if they can not make it but have found the self motivation and confidence to go out on their own.  Our WhatsApp group is alive and kicking with everyone contributing to each other’s support and making a real connection with other members who have not been around for a while.  No matter what shape, size or ability we accept everyone as an equal in the group as well as celebrating each other’s achievements no matter how small or big they are.  If you are in two minds but want to try the programme, why not talk to any member of the group to find out more about us.