
Welcome to the Health&Hustle Challenge Results Page

Participation is more important than just winning. If you will keep on participating in different events then surely one day you will get the result of your hard work. It does not matter if you win or lose, all that matters is the courage to participate.

This Page will provide you with the links to challenge results.  We only provide the top three results for each challenge and individual results are available on request.  For requests please mail the team for your results.

2023 Results

Quarter 1 Results - Click Here for Results

Quarter 2 Results - Click Here for Results

Quarter 3 Results - Click Here for Results

Quarter 4 Results - Coming Soon (Oct to Dec)

2022 Results

Quarter 1 Results - Click Here for Results

Quarter 2 Results - Click Here for Results

Quarter 3 Results - Click Here for Results

Quarter 4 Results - Click Here for Results

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