Live Well

Health & Hustle are going to pilot an Eat Well, Run Well, Live Well Programme to support members joining the Couch to 30 minute sessions.  The delivery of sessions will be online with our facilitators (Susan and Leslie) and will cover a number of sessions.

When: Sessions start at 6:00pm

Where:  Sessions will be facilitated over MS Teams and a link with an invite will be sent to those interested in joining the sessions 

How:  Sessions will be delivered virtually on a Monday evening.

Week 1 - Health Check at the outset and the end to measure H, W, BP and waist.  BP monitors and tape measure can be made available on request. 

The session will cover Why? Why are you doing this?  What's your goal? - Write it down and put it in an envelope and include the measurements to be opened at the end of the 12 weeks

What's important to you and how to stay focused and develop strong mental muscle.  

Reflect the 5 Ways to Wellbeing - Take notice, Be Active, Give, Keep learning and Connect

and finally discuss theoretical model 'The Stages of Change' 

Week 2 - Working through barriers - Time, Health, Motivation, Tiredness, Age, Fitness Level/ Cost - Think about using Demand, Control, Role, Relationships and Change to help overcome barriers

How to make the benefits outweigh the cost.

Stages of Change - Transtheoretical Model

Week 3 - Food Myths - Fast Food (buy it, eat it) Slow Food (Cook it, experience it) What has worked in the past, solutions to staying on target.  Sugar and Alcohol. Marketing and the Media.  Top tips and recipes for sharing (sugar free jelly, fruit and cream, yum)

Week 4 - What to eat and why to eat it, podcasts, research, support.   A dietitian will be invited to come to the session and provide expert advice and answer any questions.

Week 5 - Eat to the Beat - How can music and food boost your mood.

Week 6 - Overcoming Fears - self talk, solution focused self-care and signposting

Week 7 - Sharing what works - signposting and finding out where you are?

Week 8 - Focus on the reward, how to keep going and tap into the Health & Hustle team

Week 9 - Eat and Meet - how to eat out well including alcohol and alternatives.

Week 10 - Taking notice, what have you learned about yourself.  What have you gained (new friends, self-esteem) and what have you saved (money and health)

Week 11 - Measure the difference - physical, mental and spiritual.  Consider the impact this may have had on others.

Week 12 - Graduation and evaluation,  help us improve the programme.

For more information please contact Susan Doran by email or Leslie Macleod-Downes email

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