Saturday, June 15, 2019

#C25K W9R3 Graduation

Congratulations to Tracey who completed her #C25K programme this week.  Tracey reflected over the period of the programme and said that the best part of the programme was running within a group.  That kept her motivated and she also got to meet other members she would not normally meet with at work due to her job role.  

The hardest part of the programme was when it was hot on some of the runs, but she learnt how important fluid intake is and now ensures she gets the balance right.  Tracey recommends the programme as she never thought she could achieve this in the beginning it her confidence has now allowed her to loo, at her next goals and keep running as part of the regular group.

The next Couch to 5Km programme starts on Tuesday 18 Jun 2019 with week 1 run 1 #W1R1.  Meet at EJC at 5PM, parking is available for anyone travelling to EJC.  Full coaching is provided as part of the programme and it is a great opportunity to achieve your goals.