Saturday, July 27, 2019

Workweek hustle results - 19-23 July 2019

W😮W ........ A new step record was recorded this week by Pierre W who took the previous record from Mandy C who recorded 208k by beating the record with 210k.  This has to go down on record as one of the toughest weeks with the extreme weather in which we were stepping in temperatures of more than 30 degrees.  

No matter how many warnings went out, some were staying very active and we can safely say we have had no reports of injuries or admissions due to the heat.  The new invites have gone out and we have seen a couple drop from the 100k group with new additions joining.  Week on week it is like the football premier league and the competition within groups are astonishing.

The summer challenge will also wrap up at the end of he week and we will see who takes the ultimate summer titles in each group, however the exciting news is that two more teams are joining the hustle, which has seen the membership grow over 500 challengers across the health community.

Invites have been sent out for next weeks workweek hustle and if you were not lucky to get a place then message H8HKevin and he will try and get you a place in another group.  Remember places are premium with the high membership.