Saturday, July 6, 2019

Workweek Hustle Results

Another great week for steps in the workweek hustle challenge.  Five days of hustling in each group where challengers will do anything to outsmart opponents to win the groups.  We are now seeing some great achievements and big improvements with steps.  With the hot weather in and people away on holiday it is showing how active staff and friends of workweek hustle are active and making a difference to their lifestyles.

This weeks champion goes to Pierre who is part of team NHS Veterans completing over 178k of steps to take top honours.  In the 100k group you have to do an average of 25k steps to survive relegation from the group, which adds a bit more fun to the group.  We also see a lot of discussions going on where taunting or cheering is the order of the group.  It is interesting to see how this group has developed virtually over the years and even though we have not met in person, there is a sense of comradeship amongst the group.
 So what do we know about some of the group? We have have Tracey W who is a nurse at GHT, Dr Chris B retired podiatrist by trade and head of community countywide, Dennis B former Estates Director, Alison M ENP Forest MIIU, Agent Jane C SaLT, Jeanette E Sexual Health Team, Zoe V from Bristol who has been with the group since the hustle started, Trish K University of Gloucestershire, Mandy C 2G CYPS and Di H from the community hospitals team.

It’s not all about the top group, we have 10 groups competing each week and we have champions for each group.  No matter what the score is, just being part of the challenge is a commitment to improve your health and wellbeing.  This makes everyone a winner who takes part.  Every Saturday we set the groups up based on your steps during the challenge, which helps mix the groups up each week.  Every week we see the challenges full by the Monday ready for the workweek hustle,  our philosophy is very simple, “WE SET THE CHALLENGES BIT YOU SET THE RULES” this means it up to individuals to get the most of the challenges, you step, you sync or you hustle, it’s as simple as that.  Enjoy the next workweek hustle!