Sunday, July 7, 2019

Zero to Heroes at the Gloucester 10km Race

From Zero to Hero, couch to 5km and 5km to 10km.  A remarkable journey was achieved at the Gloucester 10km Race today with Candace and Jo realising their goals after completing many months of training, through injury, wet and hot weather to cross the finish line.  Candace Chief Operating Officer for Gloucestershire Care Services, Jo an OT from Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and Gillian OT from Care Services all completed the course.  

Gillian completed the course under an hour with Candace crossing the line at 1 hour 4 minutes.  Jo crossed the line a minute later, which is an achievement in itself considering the injury she has had to overcome.  
We can say the Occupational Therapist were well represented and sporting the H8H shirts.  Take a bow ladies........ we are very proud of your achievements.