Thursday, August 8, 2019


This article by Mya is inspiring and will help us to launch the Junior Hustle as a new project in the near future.  Please read and share, it promotes youth, activity and achievement of being promoted to the sports captain for her school.

We had been asked to create a speech about a topic of our choice.  I chose to talk about the importance of being Fit and Healthy. I know it has always been an important thing for us as humans to do in our daily lives and because I had been influenced by the motivation of the inspiring Health and Hustle team; in my speech I talked about how I keep fit and healthy.

So as a general rule I keep fit and healthy by trying to eat my 5 a day and a balanced diet, but hey I’m a kid so some sugar goes down on occasions !!!  Also keeping active by any means, as with the Health and Hustle teams and my family.

With Dad around we don’t get much time sitting around except when he’s on shift (sometimes we’re lucky Mum says she’s allergic to exercise !!!) but it is good fun, runs, walks, scootering, bike rides and more recently paddle boarding.

My school keeps us fit and healthy as well, That includes our Daily Mile at different times each day; in our separate classes. Along with ALL the other activities we do at school in P.E. As well as lunchtime or after school clubs and that my school only approved healthy snacks at break time.

Then I went on to explain the benefits of being fit and healthy.

Explaining that keeping active benefits us in many ways from feeling stronger, healthier, happier and having fun by being with friends and family. Being part of a team or an individual not only making us fitter, stronger and healthier but develops our independence and confidence.

Two gentlemen from the Rotary Club were our judges and we were restricted to 5 minutes, When they came in I was quite nervous at first, but knowing I wasn’t first made things a little easier and after all we were all “in it together”.

When my turn was over and I had said my speech I felt relieved and that a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

Seeing as this was my first time at a Public Speaking competition I am excited for the next I will be able to do in year six.

Mya-Jane Nelmes   Aged 10

Thanks to the inspiration of the Health and Hustle team, I am now Blue House Sports Captain at my school!