Saturday, September 7, 2019

In the News with Health&Hustle

Another full on week with the Health & Hustle.  The workweek hustle results are in and H8H took the honours this week with 138k of steps.  We still have the Team Workweek Hustle Results to come in to see who managed the most steps within the team events.  This weeks run group concentrated on completing distance whilst our #C25K start to return to join us on week 6 of the programme from the holiday break.  

On Thursday we took a detour and the crew ran one of our tough routes up heartbreak hill.  The route is a total of 6km from EJC around the complete circuit and everyone made it.  It was also good to see the midweek walks starting up again and we encourage everyone to take part if they have time on a Wednesday.  

This weekend is another challenge for some of the H8H team, who are taking part in the Great North Run.  Lisa Richardson, Jane Cantwell and Linda Edwards are taking part and I am sure they will see other runners from health services across the UK.  If you wish to support Jane and Lisa they are raising funds for Sue Ryder hospice through their just giving pages.  

Looking forward, H8H is taking the stage at the South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit away day to present Health & Hustle showcasing Fitbit Health Solutions and how Gloucestershire got active using virtual technology and social media.  Look out next week to see how the session went.  

It’s not long until we release the Health & Hustle film as part of the launch of the new Mental Health and Community Services Trust in October.  The film was produced by Fitbit and features staff and patients involved with H8H.  Fitbit Health Solutions are busy in the background producing some more material that will be used to support the launch and continue to support Gloucestershire which is great news.  

We have some new ventures that we are pursuing with diabetic patients and Hope for Tomorrow who provide chemotherapy mobile units in the community.  

We have a few more days left with the Trek across Asia Challenge and then we will launch the Autumn Challenge.  Do you need any motivation? Why not try the race at your pace challenges, set a target and take the month to complete the challenge and get a medal to celebrate your achievement and move up the rankings with your steps in challenges.