Sunday, September 22, 2019

News from this week

#C25K Celebrating Sue’s final run with the crew
We are back to the couch to 5km programme and the crew took on a 25 minute full run, which they managed really well.  Now we are starting week 7 and steadily moving towards graduation.  At the end of this programme we will be concentrating on building stamina through the winter months and start another #C25K programme in the new year.  

The Autumn challenge has been running for a week and results for the first week will be released during the week along with the team workweek hustle challenge.  This weeks invitational workweek hustle has a new champion from Gloucestershire County Council, Alan B won the challenge with 160k of steps and took this weeks virtual trophy.

Thursday evening celebrated Sue Fields final run with the running group, which is a sad occasion for all of us.  Sue has been instrumental to the group and big supporter of the hustle.  We will all miss her but rumour has it she will be attending the Christmas fun run.

We are organising a Zombie run in November and will send more details out in due course.  Don’t forget to join the team workweek hustle events and the Autumn challenge and if you have any events that need to be advertised or shared with groups, let us know and we will add to our schedule.

Stay Active and have a great week!