Saturday, October 19, 2019

H8H in the News

Health&Hustle News

This week we had the Fitbit film published by the Academy of Fabulous This account of the Health&Hustle produced by Fitbit Health Solutions has promoted Gloucestershire getting active to a wide variety across all social media platform.  This has also sparked interest from some 3rd sector companies who take staff health and wellbeing seriously.

This week was the first week that Hope for Tomorrow took part in their first team Workweek Hustle.  They come ninth in front of the SCW Digital team which is a great start, as both teams build for future challenges.

In the individual workweek hustle which is by personal invitation, saw Pierre W take top honours this week with 139k of steps.  Following the latest IOS update we can now have 10 invitational challenges running again and can also put challengers in a group that is close to their average steps.  So look out for an invitation or get back to us if you didn’t but would like one.

The dark nights are drawing in so please ensure when exercising you are seen and safe.  Bright clothing and a mobile is a must, don’t forget to tell someone that you are out exercising, by checking out and in for safety.

Coming soon in 2020 Parkrun Passport Challenge