Saturday, October 26, 2019

Health&Hustle News Round Up

This is the time of year that things start to wind down, or do they with activity?   The clocks go back and we are subject to dark mornings and nights, but does this stop your activity? 

Think smart about staying active through autumn and winter.  You don’t have to run miles but you can tick over with reduced routes, which are safe and you can be seen.  Yes it’s time to be bright and be seen, it’s also worth noting we have group activities where you can jog with one of our groups.  With the formation of the Gloucestershire Health & Care Trust, some of our members have been relocated and based at Rikenel in Gloucester Park.  Know as the Health&Hustle splinter group, Chantel Leighton and Laura Harvey have set up another group to operate from Rikenel.  If you are in the local area and want to jog with them, they meet at 5pm on Tuesday’s.  Our C25k programme is still on going and meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Edward Jenner Court, Brockworth.

This weeks individual winner of the individual workweek hustle goes to Tracey W from GHT with 158k of steps.  All results can be found here

Following the release of the Fitbit film and the publication by the Academy of Fabulous  We have had lots of interest about our journey as a health community.  I am pleased to say from a simple idea which started small, it has grown into a large active community.  The results are priceless and new friendships have been made within the active community.  In particular the patient groups that are building, from treatment to post recovery this initiative allows patients to remain active and stay in touch.  The work is not finished and we have lots more opportunities to offer our initiative wider so let’s see where the journey takes us.

Future Events

Christmas Fun run coming soon- December 2019

2020 Parkrun Passport Challenge - starts Jan 2020

Do you want a new challenge? Why not sign up to team H8H2020 and join us at the 2020 Cheltenham Challenge - Jun 2020.  You can walk, jog or run, it does not matter, be part of the experience and register