Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy Active New Year

I thought it is important to look back at some of the achievements through 2019 and celebrate everyone’s contribution to the Health & Hustle and Team H8H2019.

In July 2018 we launched the #GlosNHS1000 mile challenge and raised over £1,000 for Sue Ryder.  By July 2019 the majority of the group completed the challenge, which is an amazing achievement. 

As I am writing this article I find that we always start the New Year in the dark and finish in the dark, travelling through season challenges throughout the year.  However the participation in the events organised has just been amazing and without those who support the events the Hustle would not be what it is today.

In a year we have a membership of over 550 members in the hustle with a participation rate in challenges around 300 who sign up and take part in the challenges.  In a year we have completed over 1 Billion steps as a collective group.  Our teams have grown to include SCW, Hope for Tomorrow, Gloucester City Council and the University of Gloucestershire.

In June 2019 Team H8H2019 took part in the Cheltenham Challenge and had representation from Gloucestershire Care Services, Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust, Colour Connection and past members of the NHS Veterans Group who participate in the 10km and 5km events.  Along with the Couch to 5km programme we have seen some remarkable achievements and also seen members progressing past their wildest dreams to achieve great distances and PBs along the way.  

As part of the summer period we had the opportunity to produce a film sponsored by Fitbit Health Solutions, which capture some unique moments that are very special and embedded in the history of the hustle.  Again a big thank you to everyone who took part to make this happen.  

Another big achievement was Mya-Jane Nelmes who took part in the Cheltenham Challenge and was also recognised for her public speaking at school, where she acknowledged the inspiration of the Health & Hustle team in her speech and was awarded the Blue House Captain at her school.

One of my personal challenges with the Health & Hustle is keeping it fresh and appealing to our membership.  I could not do this without the support of a lot of inspirational friends and colleagues who continue to support the initiative.  So what’s next? Join Team H8H2020 and experience a healthy and active lifestyle, keep sharing the hustle ideas and have a great year.