Saturday, March 28, 2020

COVID-19 Exercise Rules

The rules on exercise as stated by the government.

The source of this guidance is available from the BBC News. "People can go for the standard length of run or walk that they ordinarily would have done. But… the important thing is, once a day, however the new rules will mean changes to the way people keep fit.  Maintain a social distance of more than 2m (6ft) from other people wherever you go and "Stay local" using open spaces near home for exercise, where possible.  Rules on social distancing and gatherings rule out many team sports.  No mention is given to how long you can exercise for but let’s be sensible and max at about 5km.

Some outdoor spaces, including playgrounds, outdoor gyms and some parks are closed because of "the failure of some visitors to follow social distancing guidance". If you are still unsure about the guidance the message below is very clear.............................