Saturday, April 4, 2020

Fear, anxiety and stress busting in two weeks

“Week 2 working from home” is a tough ask during a normal working day as many of my close friends would know.  Having the headspace out on my daily run as per the government’s guidelines “of course” you get the chance to reflect about the past and present.  I reflected over the association of my last operational tour in 1999 and what is happening with the COVID pandemic.  When I deployed with my Regiment as part of NATO to Kosovo, I remember the night before flying from Germany into Macedonia, we were given a treat by watching Saving Private Ryan.   Not a great move as when we left the cinema, there was no idol chit chat, but a reality check.  After months of training in Macedonia the day came when we finally crossed the boarder into a country that had been destroyed.  What were the emotions? similar to today, not knowing and not having control over the situation.  The only difference then was that I was responsible for the men in my platoon and myself.  Today it’s very different as it is dealing with an invisible enemy that is striking the fittest, vulnerable, families and work colleagues.

Listening to the news and working in health you soon realise the reality that no one is immune to the virus.  We have to now put our trust in the government, our NHS and the science.  So whilst this is all going on we need to realise there is no quick fix and we are in for a long haul.  We all have a part to play but most importantly is looking after our mental health and how we deal with the day to day biggest change in all our lives.  There is no right or wrong answer with dealing with our daily lives at present, however I have launched into a daily routine that keeps me active with a purpose to contribute remotely.

Routine, routine, routine, this is something drilled into you during my 25 years service and it’s now that I find this more important. So here are my top tips:

🎵Get out of bed🎵get out of bed 🎵you lazy ......... these were the times when the duty bugler in barracks woke you up.  Now it’s the iPhone alarm going off at 06:00 hours.  Quick wash and scrape then wake the Wolfpack up.  Alfie has his tablets and Broady gets his on wheels ready for the daily walk.  Out for a walk around the fields and back home maintaining social distance but normally we don’t see anyone at our time.

Now it’s my time, jog for 4-5km before getting back to feed the boys, grab a shower and boot the laptop up ready for a days work.  Mug of tea, slice of toast and action.  E-mails, calls, team meetings via video conference is the order of the day, however I also fit the BOOooom challenge in every hour, 250 steps, 10 squats and a weight exercise for 5 minutes within each hour, along with fitting work in around the activities.  Trust me, this routine is challenging and fills my day.

By the end of the day I feel like I have done a normal days work but the benefits are helping me with my routine and mental well-being.  My evenings are spent on the hustle, answering all the tweets and messages from colleagues and friends.  Getting the results and challenges set up.  

Our hustle network is still strong and growing with interest.  What amazes me is that all sports have been put on hold but our activities can continue safely using virtual technology allowing us to give our users the opportunity to keep involved and stay active.  From one operational setting to a new war zone, I admire everyone in the hustle, no matter if you are back office or frontline clinicians, we are all playing an important part in history.  The challenges are available but it is up to every individual what they want to do in them.  There are no losers in the hustle, we have champions but we also have you the winners.

Take care everyone, stay safe, wash your hands and keep stepping 💙💙