Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 3 Routine, routine, routine.

Do you struggle to fit exercise into your routine or maybe you don't have a routine.   “Last week I discussed the importance of routine, trust me when this returns to some sort of normality we will be expected to pick up from where we left off at work”.  If you don’t have a routine and discipline, you are going to struggle when we start to recover to normality.

Let’s get focused and get a routine going with getting your heart beating.
Cardio exercise aims to get your heart rate up and increase blood circulation.  Whether you want to improve your heart, lose weight, clear your mind or just improve your health, some form of cardio exercise will help. 

Walking is a great way to get active, especially staying in the fat burning zone.   Why not be a little more adventurous and think about the Couch to 5K programme?  It will take you from walking to a confident 30-minute run in nine weeks.  This really does work and if you don’t believe me, speak to some of the crew who have completed the programme.

There are other ways to get active at home, put some music on and get your body moving.   Working on strength & supporting your muscles will not require a Gold Gymnasium membership.  Strength and resistance exercises can help strengthen and improve your mobility.  They are generally done on the spot like cardio exercise but they definitely work the body to increase fitness and improve your health.  This is where you could use the 250 step challenge every hour, either jog or sprint on the spot.  (BOOoom Challenge)

You can incorporate weights or resistance bands in your exercise programme and if you don’t have weights, you can adapt using tins or bags.  There are plenty exercise resources on line, Dame Kelly Holmes has launched classes on Twitter.  Joe Wicks has plenty of exercise classes for all levels such as the “Absolute Beginners HIIT Workout with the Body Coach”

There is so much resource available and NHS Choices have a selection of topics on live well launch a subject and get stuck in.  Whatever your age, you can reduce joint pain and prevent injury, add strength and flexibility to your routine.  Workouts will help with balance, reduce the risk of falls, and strengthen muscles for mobility.   Yoga, pilates and tai chi are good for flexibility.

Have you tried Fitbit Premium ? If you are a member of the hustle you have 3 months free access to all the resources.  Look at the discovery on your app and take advantage of the guided programmes,  challenges and adventures, workouts and mindfulness.

For those who are less mobile or recovering from treatments, illness or injury, there is a selection of basic exercises that will keep you active without overdoing it.  But please consult with your Doctor or Physio first before starting an exercise programme.

Finally don’t forget to stay safe, stay within the governments guidelines and stay at home, but most of all keep active and be mentally fit.