Saturday, May 16, 2020

Week 8 Settling into a New Routine

How many of us can say we are settled into a new routine and the new way of life?  One of the things I am struggling with is that I have a good routine getting my my main activity completed by 8am, but then battling some bad habits, such as working throughout the day without proper breaks built in.  I have used the BOOM challenge but not really getting the benefits of breaks that I used to take at lunchtime at work.  So I am going to try a mid day walk next week to get a proper break in and build on the new routine.

Breaking news with new partnerships. Last week has been really busy with the Hustle with another great partnership created with Healthy Lifestyles who have joined the Health&Hustle.  They provide services in Gloucestershire to support people with tailored behavioural coaching for up to 12 weeks completely FREE.  Their support can also help people get more active, lose weight, stop smoking, or reduce alcohol consumption.  Last year alone the Healthy Lifestyles Service has helped:

  • 1,000 people stop smoking
  • 2,000 people lose weight
  • 600 people to get more active
  • 200 people to reduce their alcohol consumption.
  • Over 1,000 more who have made other meaningful changes
If anyone in the hustle needs support, you can contact them on 0800 122 3788, or online at

RUH Bath Challenge 
On Twitter we are in touch with the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust C25K group who run the same programme we do for the couch to 5KM.   As a bit of fun they have invited the Health&Hustle to take part in an accululative distance race.  As part of the challenge, runners will add to a running total for a set distance. (Speed is not the objective so it doesn't matter). The way this will work is as follows:  for example Run John O'Groats to Landsend (1,407km) using a Strava group for members to log milage from their runs.  They will cap the distance per person per day- e.g. no more than 5-10k per person each day.  First team of runners to complete the distance wins!  If you are interested in taking part please get in touch and we will add you to the team.  Note we are not looking for athletes and would like to extend this to anyone in the Health&Hustle who needs a challenge, which is starting the first week of June.  The organiser of this event is Tash ChildFrailty Flying Squad - OPU Physiotherapist at the RUH.

Hope for Tomorrow registration for the 1000mile challenge is open and the take up has been good from members of the Health&Hustle.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity which will keep you motivated and active during the challenge.  To register go to or if you would like to donate and support someone in the challenge please use our just giving page

Do you want some real inspiration to get active?  Checkout this online class.  Tom Roach who coaches at Tenterden AmateurBoxing Club and is someone I served with in the forces is one of the fittest soldiers I had the privilege to serve with.  Even today he can still give the youngest and fittest a run for their money.  If you think you could keep up with Tommy, try out his workout.

Workplace Resources are available To access some great information on Covid-19 and the workplace please click on the following link