Friday, June 12, 2020

Health&Hustle News Update

Another couple of weeks under extraordinary circumstances have passed. As I reflect over the last couple of weeks, I am amazed with some of the achievements in our active groups. Since setting up the STRAVA group, we have had interest from colleagues using Garmin and Apple devices. Maybe this is the break through to extend the hustle using more virtual technology.

Last Wednesday I attended the first virtual Council meeting for “We can Move” hosted by the CEO of Active Gloucestershire Tom Beasley. It was a productive meeting with the main focus at raising the profile of activity in the county. Moving forward we are going to use the We can Move branding and adopt their values: To feel a sense of belonging, To Feel Healthy and Happy, To feel Equal, To feel I am making a difference to myself and others.

Last week a number of us from team Health&Hustle took part in the #RunTheAvon challenge organised by the RUH Bath. Out of 14 teams the Health&Hustle were fourth overall on day 4, however the event was won by the Dietetic Dynamos who knocked Racing out of the front door out of 1st place with a 5am run which pipped them to the winners post. The dedication of our team saw our own Agent SaLT (Jane Cantwell) running at 5am to get her distance in before starting work. The challenge has seen some great contributions from Sarah Riordan-Jones, Neil Penny, Tanya Gillard and Kath Simmonds. Some of the big guns were also supporting the team and we saw shifts from Andy Hughes, Claire McBride, Sharon Renouf-Preece, Jo Gwilliam and Matt Nelms. Thanks to everyone for there contribution during the challenge.

The Hope for Tomorrow 1000 mile challenge registration is open and lots of media has flooded the social media platforms. Please think about joining and making a difference with your own activity.
Men’s Health Week is the theme for next week and more information is available on the internet  
The theme this year is all about Covid-19 and links in with the latest research and advice.  On the 15th-21st June we will be celebrating Men’s Health Week. This is a time to bring awareness to health issues that affect men disproportionately and focuses on getting men to become more aware of problems they could develop, and gain the courage to do something about it. Healthy Lifestyles will be promoting events that men can get involved with or join to find out more about looking after our health.

The Healthy Lifestyles Service will be developing resources for Men’s Health Week and will have a big social media campaign going on, so watch out for more information coming soon.  Checkout the Best-You platform. HLS have been developing their app and online platform to take it to the next level. Have a look at how it may support the workplace on the new info site:

Are you working from home? Please remember to look after yourself working from home and follow the same principles as if you were working in the office. You should still follow the principles found in the Display Screen Equipment assessments with your organisations. Make sure you are sitting correctly and also taking breaks during the working day to get away from your PC. Stay connected with colleagues and look out for each other, everyone will have different circumstances and may be lonely and cut off working from home. These conditions are extreme and maybe having a sever impact on colleagues mental health so it is important to stay connected, be kind and be caring.