Sunday, May 31, 2020

Week 10 Four Years of the Hustle

Another year of success and June is the month we are going to celebrate four years of the hustle.  Unfortunately we cannot celebrate the anniversary at the Cheltenham Challenge as planned, but we may run a virtual celebration event.  The hustle is in its 4th year after launching the initiative on 17th June 2016.  Looking back from where we started to the present day the journey has been fantastic.  The success has to be down to the individual’s who have joined to use the hustle as a support mechanism to get active.  We have witnessed some real life transformation of members along with achieving many individual personal goals.  We have so many hero’s to mention and if we did, my fear would be forgetting someone, you all know who you are and what you have achieved so please take a bow and thank you for being part of our history.  Looking at how the hustle has developed I am pleased to say we have expanded the hustle with various partners and they are using the hustle as good practice to promote health and wellbeing in the workforce. 

During the period of COVID my anxiety was to see the hustle starting to decline, however using virtual technology has proved to be in demand and as such we have seen our numbers grow in the challenges.  We have had to adapt and change the way we usually run our activities.  We are using WhatsApp and STRAVA alongside the Fitbit portal and this is proving to work really well, allowing us to run additional challenges which also allows users with Apple and Garmin take part.

Coming out of COVID we will look forward to resuming our C25K programme and the Parkrun challenge,  but this will depend on the governments guidelines and the social distancing rules.  You will also see through the social media releases that we working with Hope for Tomorrow to run another 1000 mile challenge in a year launching on 1st July 2020.  We have created a H4T1000mile team in the Fitbit groups, if you want to join and go back to your team when you have completed the challenge, let me know.  Please do consider either take part or sponsor the Hustle through our just giving page Health & Hustle is fundraising for Hope for Tomorrow 

This week we are going head to head in a running challenge with the RUH Bath.  Teams of 6-8 will be running 5km a day the length of the river Avon 154km.  This is aimed at all abilities and you can join the team on STRAVA

I could not go without saying a special thank you to the team at Fitbit Health Solutions.  Based in Dublin Aideen, Susan and Karen have gone above any expectations to support the hustle and have been responsive to requests and generous within their means to go the extra mile.  On behalf of all of us at the Hustle thank you so much.

Remember to stay Alert, keep safe and keep active!