Saturday, May 23, 2020

Week 9 Reflection and Kindness

Reflection and Kindness
Last week focussed on Mental Health Awareness week and the focus was on kindness.  What are the sort of things you could do for your community, family, friends and work colleagues?  Here are a few valuable tips

  • Offer support to vulnerable neighbours
  • Offer to send someone a takeaway or a meal
  • Donate to foodbanks
  • Donate to a charity
  • Reach out to call a friend, family member or neighbour who is experiencing loneliness or self-isolation
  • Offer to skill share with a friend via video call
  • Do a roll call with family and friends
  • Look out for your work colleagues, give them a call and ask how they are finding the change in routine 
  • Give praise to colleagues for something they’ve done well
  •  Arrange to have a video lunch with a colleague or the team
  • Set up some fun challenges to encourage colleagues to take a proper break during the day
How was your activity this week and what have you achieved? We have been busy in the running WhatsApp group with the bridge challenge.  Incorporating 5 bridges in your running route which pushes you to think about your route, your distance and having a bit of fun.  My team have been doing a daily challenge as part of the midday walk challenge to get us away from our PCs.  From themes like colours, running away from swans and ducks to finding churches on your route.  The break gives you time for headspace and time to reflect and also makes a difference when you go into the afternoon session.

During lockdown it is very easy to start work and not move from your PC and this is not sustainable or healthy.  It’s the little things that make a big difference and staff are the biggest asset you will have, so we have a duty of care at work to look after them. Away from my laptop is a new challenge that my team at work is doing to ensure we are taking proper breaks.  It’s simple and the banter is brilliant.  So how do we do it? We have a WhatsApp group set up called “Away from my Laptop” the nominated team member picks a theme and on our walks we take a photo and post.  It’s simple and very effective.  It really gets the team talking so give it a go and have some fun along with taking a break away from the laptop.

What’s new with challenges? The June challenge will be announced soon for the month of June and the challenge is #Hope.  This is a 30 day team challenge for anyone new joining the challenges along with the team monthly workweek hustle challenges.  On Monday we have a running group challenge set up on STRAVA join Team Health&Hustle and join in the challenge as we get ready to go head to head with the RUH Bath in June.

Couch to 5KM programme update.  When it is safe and following the government guidelines, we will look at starting our programme starting at week One.  If you cannot wait, download the app and make a start as we can do this virtually if you need support.

Do you have a story to share about your activity or rehabilitation from an injury or COVID?  We would like to hear from you and share your success no matter how small.  June is a special month for the Hustle as we will be 4 years old from the official launch.  Normally we would celebrate at the Cheltenham Challenge but unfortunately we will not be able to run together at the event to celebrate the anniversary and the success of the C25K graduates.  This year we will have a celebration virtual event and will let you know more details in due course.  Until next week, stay alert and stay active.