Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Joining the Health&Hustle

There has been some interesting conversations with potential NHS Trusts that wish to join the Health&Hustle

Discussing the Health&Hustle two NHS organisations has been interesting to see that Trusts are thinking about how to use initiatives to support staff health and wellbeing. In terms of using virtual technology it is the way ahead to stay in touch and use challenges to support activities and engagement. The best part of the conversation has been about the cost to join? Have I missed a trick? NO......... 

When I set up the Health&Hustle I wanted to set it up with no additional costs or transactions involved. 

Why? It’s easy really, you cannot put a price of staff health and wellbeing, especially NHS staff. The initial costs sits with the individual who has purchased a Fitbit, so why try and charge more? 

Hope for Tomorrow - Bringing cancer services closer to home Just Giving Page

Leckhampton Sue Ryder Hospice - providing palliative neurological and bereavement support Just Giving Page

If you are involved with Healthy Life Styles and working towards a healthy workplace then the hustle might be useful to look at for staff

Try our couch to 5km programme?