Saturday, October 3, 2020

Autumn to Winter Activity

Moving from summer to autumn has been a shock to the system with activity, which means some will find the next few months challenging to stay active. Colder weather and darker nights along with the ongoing Covid restrictions, will make it feel harder to stay motivated and exercise.  Don’t give up, face up to the challenges and remember the long term benefits this will have on your personal physical and mental health well-being.

At the beginning of last week I experienced that shock to the system.  I usually start the week off with a 15km run, however the change in the weather meant I had to cut my run short and learn from the experience.  So it’s time to get the winter running kit out and head torch for those dark early morning runs.  The hat and gloves will also be making an appearance for the cold mornings.  Safety is a big factor if you are out on your own, make sure you can be seen, make sure someone knows where you are running and always have a mobile with you.  “BE SAFE, BE SEEN”.

News hot in from the hustle......... 

The week we have signed up and attended a virtual workshop to be a change maker with We Can Move (Active Gloucestershire).  There was a variety of attendees from personal trainers, canals and rivers trust, inclusion Gloucestershire and the independence trust.  This opens up more opportunities to explore  activity in Gloucestershire, at the same time sharing the success and opening ups more avenues for the Hustle.  I am pleased to announce that being a member of the We Can Move Council and a change maker will allow us to integrate with community activities and gain even more benefits for our members.

The Hope for Tomorrow 1000 miles challenge has just passed its third month in which we have a number of members from the Health&Hustle taking part.  So far we have raised £715 on H8H just giving page.  If you would like to donate to this great cause please visit our just giving page  Both Nikki Budding and myself have appeared on radio Gloucestershire to launch the challenge and Nicky Price has just finished another interview with Rob and Margaret who are in their 80s and doing a great job in supporting the challenge walking every day, along with raising £3,000 for the charity.  With the registrations and individual fund raising efforts the challenge will raise a significant amount of money for the charity.

Are you starting to think about Christmas? Under these conditions I am sure this year will be different to the years we have been used to and the celebrations will be a challenging under the government guidelines to contain the virus.  If you would like to do something different why not sign up for the #DDD2020 (December Daily Dash) raising funds for Sue Ryder.  Its 5KM a day for 31 days, you can walk, run or jog and it will save on making those new year resolutions that we start and always find ourselves in the same position the following year.  This is a chance to break that cycle and stay active throughout December.  If you want to take part of donate to the just giving page please follow the link: 

The team Work Week Hustle challenges will be moving from a 5 to a 7 day event.  This will allow those Hustlers who do more activity on a weekend or are on a shift to count those steps as part of the challenges.  We will be seeing more teams joining the Hustle soon with Wye & Valley NHS Trust and the Business Authority Service who have expressed an interest in joinging the Health&Hustle, which is fantastic news and we look forward to welcoming them very soon.

We are close to moving into week 7 of the couch to 5km programme and for this course I have decided to present medals along with the Zero to Hero certificates.  The dedication from the group has been outstanding and even when they have missed a run the WhatsApp group is buzzing with their success in completing the run alone.  Everyone is working so hard and for some of them running is not a passion, but the commitment to getting active has been remarkable. 

We have a few members from the Health&Hustle taking part in the virtual London Marathon, raising more money for their charities.  We would like to wish them all the best following the amount of training that has gone in to reach their final day.  It is a shame they will not experience the full day in London but we wish them all the luck with completing the distance.