Sunday, October 25, 2020

Activity and Mental Health

Let’s talk about the benefits of activity with mental health

Throughout lockdown I have been conscious about my mental health. Confined and restricted to working from home, reminded me of my operational tours when I was still serving.  

Social contact is so important, however it can be restricted to a point and as the start of lockdown saw an increase in the use of online social media platforms.  The terms “I am teamed out” is common, especially as back to back team meetings have increased.  

How many take of us take a break? How many block their diaries out to get those breaks in? Do you schedule activity as part of your day time activities?

I have been in a routine since the day I returned from holiday last March and this is why...............

I have suffered with depression from my long term condition suffering with cluster migraines, so I have to be very careful due to my triggers with getting over heated or stressed out.  Exercising releases endorphins, which energises your body and makes you feel good.  My exercise during lockdown has been incredible.  Setting goals has given me something to aim for and given me something to strive towards.  From 5km I have gradually extended my distance to 10km a day and then onto 15km.  This has given me the head space to think about work, plan my days and my life.  Honest, taking this time to exercise has made me rethink how to approach my days and given me the energy and stamina to cope with the restrictions of lockdown.  In turn this has also helped manage any anxiety that I have experienced.

This has in turn boosted my self esteem, which has had a positive outcome with my mental health.  Doing a lot of exercise will make you tired as hormones are released that make you tired.  To be honest I have slept well which is another important factor managing your health and wellbeing.