Sunday, October 18, 2020

Health&Hustle Change Makers

Health&Hustle Change Makers

It’s time to expand the Health&Hustle and reach out to organisations to encourage workforce’s to become active.

The H8H Change Maker Programme will help deliver positive change by engaging with organisations to raise awareness and encourage participation.  We will achieve this by helping to build and empower self-sufficient Change Makers Group who deliver sustainable change, with long term external support.

What is a Change-maker: A person who desires change by gathering knowledge and resources to make the change happen. 

What is required to be a Health&Hustle change maker?

Sharing opportunities, engaging and creating social media channels to promote Health&Hustle.

Support and sign post colleagues within the network to help achieve personal active goals.

Champion the ethos of Health&Hustle and spread the benefits that an active lifestyle can bring.

Promote your organisation or departments activities successes by providing short articles for the blog or individual members achievements 

Optional-access to the Fitbit Health solutions platform to add new members to your team.

What support will a Change Maker receive?

We do not expect you to do this on your own.  By creating a change maker network will allow access to all change makers in the network supported by the creator of Health&Hustle.  The rewards is with the success of seeing positive change to colleagues physical and mental health wellbeing and being the key to helping them achieve their goals.