Saturday, October 17, 2020

What Excuse Do You Need?

Here are some excuses not to exercise..........

You really hate exercise!  Almost any exercise may feel hard at first but with some consistency, your body gets stronger and you will get used to it.

You've tried to exercise but you keep giving up! Going from no exercise to too much is bound to leave you exhausted and burned out "start small to grow big" little starts make a difference and keep your objectives achievable.

You can't afford a gym membership!  There is no reason you have to join a gym, but there are other options such as walking, jogging, exercising at home or joining the hustle.

You're not seeing any changes or you are not losing weight fast enough!  Unfortunately, that's true for everyone. You don't put weight on overnight and it won't come off that quickly either. Once you start exercising, give your body time to adjust. Everyone responds differently but keep at it.

You don't know how to exercise!  This is a popular excuse, so why not join in with activities at work or speak to us at the Health & Hustle and we can support you.  Watch this clip to see what technology H8H are using to keep our workforce and patients active Link 

You want to exercise but you have to take care of children and family!  We have lots of H8H members with young children, so it’s about balance to fit it in your exercise programme.  Why not talk to someone who has the same issue.  I’m some cases we have had children join us at some of the events.

You can't seem to stay motivated to continue working out If you're tired or stressed!  It is hard to keep going with your workouts. However, waiting to feel motivated to exercise can actually backfire. Motivation is something you have to work at every day. Try and beat it as you will feel the benefits and the feel good factor after some exercise, especially if you are stressed.

Exercise HURTS!  Yes it does, however you don't have to hurt yourself to reap the benefits of exercise, so ease into it and stay in your target heart rate zone along with taking rest days.

You can't make the commitment to stick to an exercise programme!  When you look at exercise in the long term (i.e., that you have to exercise on a daily basis forever), it can be overwhelming, however, you don't have to change your life overnight. Start with small goals, plan ahead, Make exercise a priority and forget weight loss.  It will shift.........

You don't have time!  Physically inactive people have just as much free time as those who exercise. Plan your day, park off site, walk into work, take a walk at lunchtime and take a break from work, 30 minutes a day will give you that start to being active

Covid Don’t use Covid as an excuse, staying fit and healthy can contribute to recovery if you do catch the virus.  Under lockdown mental health can become a problem with anxiety, try and exercise out doors and follow the government’s guidelines.

I’m sure there are lots more excuses, but the more excuses made will eventually catch up with you later in life.  Grasp the opportunities now, whilst you can and start small or join a virtual group such as the couch to 5km programme.  You don’t have to be an athlete, you don’t have to run, if you put your mind to it, anything is achievable.

Let’s drop the excuses and get active going into 2021 and let’s get inspired!  In time post Covid, active events will start up again, think about joining a park run, or just get out and enjoy the surroundings in the County.