Saturday, January 23, 2021

Be Active in Lockdown Part Two

March 2020 was the month that we experienced a change to our lifestyles that we never thought we would experience.  Looking back I remember the anxiety of trying to get home from holiday and preparing for the first lockdown.  The shop shelves were starting to empty and the panic was setting in along with acts of selfishness and kindness becoming evident in the community.  Were we prepared for what was to come?  Nearly a year down the line and we are in lockdown again, however things have changed, however the impact of this period has had a profound effect on individuals who have experienced loneliness, which has occurred through the lack of social contact, change and in some case through loss of loved ones.

The working environment has also changed and a lot of workers are now working remotely from home.  Whilst some will enjoy working from home others will feel isolated.  Being isolated and lonely is challenging and can contribute to poor mental health and increase depression and anxiety, which in turn will impact on productivity at work.  Do you know the signs to look for? The feeling of self doubt, lack of engagement, increased stress levels, feeling tired and fatigued.  It is important that we all look out for each other by making some time for each other by checking in regularly.  Staying connected by having regular catch ups.  Staying positive and encouraging maximum participation.  Having fun and encouraging everyone to focus on their health and wellbeing by getting out for some physical activity such as running, walking, cycling or participating with online yoga.  There are lots of ways to stay active but one of the easiest ways is to get out walking.  Checkout the why we walk guide.

It’s easy to write advice on what and what not to do, however this is a serious subject and may have long term consequences in the future.  If we do not take some responsibility for our health and wellbeing it is highly likely that we could become a casualty and another statistic on the NHS waiting lists which are going to extend due to demand on services.  Please help the NHS by looking after yourself and follow the national guidelines and advice.