Virtual Cheltenham Challenge 2021
This weekend seen a number of members taking part in the virtual Cheltenham Challenge. Normally we would enter a team in the event at the Cheltenham race course and celebrate achievements of our members taking part in the couch to 5km programme. Instead we had to settle for a virtual challenge and sharing progress through social media and cheer everyone,s achievements. We started the day off with an early wake up message from Kath who completed her 5km in the early morning session along with a video message to encourage everyone taking part. At 10am a small group met at Saintbridge surgery to take on a 10km challenge, which a couple of members stepped up from 5km to try out the distance.It is good to say that everyone made the distance proving mind over matter really works. Along the way everyone was talking and making new acquaintances along with a few toots from passers by that recognised the army of challenge shirts. Throughout the day we saw more members completing the challenge in their own way which is absolutely brilliant. It is amazing to see that the Health&Hustle are still using the event to celebrate our Anniversary and hopefully next year we can meet up as a team at the race course to take part in the 2022 challenge.