Saturday, May 15, 2021

How Walking Can Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

Have you ever checked the mileage you do in your car and compare it to the miles you walk? For me, any opportunity to walk provides lots of benefits from keeping healthy, getting steps in for the Health&Hustle challenges and saving money on petrol and mileage on the car.  I changed my car November last year and since then, I have run and walked 1800 miles and only done 1500 miles in my car.

Walking has given me a regular energy boost and has certainly helped with sustaining my fitness levels.  The fresh air and being outdoors also gives me an energy boost to stay fresh for the afternoon work periods, especially with the amount of online meetings I attend.  What about your concentration levels? I certainly think mine have improved.  Taking time out and taking in the nature helps with your thought process and creative thinking, unless you get dive bombed by angry seagulls, then it’s duck dive and hide unless you want to run the risk of a bombardment from the sky.

All this activity also helps with your sleep patterns, unless you’ve got a puppy who wants to get up and play in the early hours of the morning.  When do you go to bed? I now like to settle down at 9pm and drift off to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep in.  It’s useful to check your Fitbit sleep on the app which will give you a breakdown of your sleep patterns.

Tips for staying safe while walking 

To ensure your safety while walking, follow these tips:

  • Walk in areas designated for pedestrians. Look for well-lit areas if possible.
  • If you walk in the evening or early morning hours, wear a reflective vest or light so cars can see you.
  • Wear sturdy shoes with good heel and arch support.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after your walk to stay hydrated.
  • Wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, even on cloudy days.
  • Take a mobile phone with you to call for help if needed
  • Tell someone where you are going and how long you will be if you are on your own

In summary there are lots of benefits to walking, such as burning calories, strengthening your heart, lowering your blood sugar levels, easing joint help prevent or manage arthritis, boosting your immune function and energy along with improving your mood. Walking at a faster pace could extend your life and strengthen the muscles in your legs.  Most of all apart from the cost of good foot wear walking is free, so come on let’s get active as it’s National walking month throughout the month of May...........