Jo has always exercised in one way or another and loves the opportunity to try something new. During this past year and through lock down, she has used online exercise classes and has really made the most of "Ollie’s online virtual classes", to keep active and remain connected during lock down. The classes were a real tonic physically and mentally to cope with the day to day routine. Luckily, a lot of her classes are now face to face, but it is still very handy to do a quick class after work to get the steps up and have a nice stretch on a Friday with "Steph’s yoga class".
Jo said after a lot of procrastination, she joined the Health & Hustle couch to 30-minute running group, and is so pleased she has committed to the group. Jo also added that a group from the Nursing & Quality team at the Clinical Commissioning Group, decided to join for moral support and 7 weeks in are still fully engaged and making real progress. Jo says, Kevin is incredibly supportive, and he has a fabulous way of making all members feel included, nobody is ever last… that is Kev’s place, cajoling and encouraging even the most reluctant runner!
As a group we have become so close and the care and kindness shown is quite amazing, all masterminded and led by Kev who is an inspiration in his own right! I feel very fortunate that both these amazing opportunities are open to me. All I have to do is turn up, no judgement, just care, kindness and incredible encouragement to keep well and keep fit, oh and a lot of giggles and few good surprises on the routes!