It's easy to get tunnel vision when you first start running. After all, to be a better runner you just have to run. Or do you? In reality, running can be complex. You have to think about what you wear, hydration, safety, routes and how you warm up. It is important to regulate and have structure to your run to get the best performance and remember, it can stress muscles you may not expect in ways that are not always obvious. To build your fitness foundation, increased mobility, and help you avoid injury you should follow some basic principles to avoid injuries from the start of your session through to your cool down and stretch down.
What are the best stretches to do after running as part your cool-down routine?
These are some of the stretches we use as part of our cool-down session:
- High level lunges with or without (Balance) arm exercises
- Low level lunges
- Prone calf stretches into lower back stretches
- Straight leg assist hamstring stretches
- Prone hamstring stretches
- Lower back stretches
- Group assisted calf stretches
- Arm stretches
- Forward, left and right bended stretches